Our Name

Organizational Success

Matt Mumma

CEO & Founder

Naming a business is never easy as there are many things to consider. Some say it can mean the difference between success and failure, which leads to the question of why anyone would name an advisory service firm for health and human service organizations after harmful blooms of algae that occur when plant-like organisms grow out of control in the sea and produce toxic effects to all living organisms around it.

After 25+ years leading healthcare, human service, and mission-driven organizations I decided to create a company to support organizations that are focused on making a positive societal impact. After struggling for over a week in trying to determine the name of the company, I turned to prayer, and the term “Red Tide” quickly came to mind for some unknown reason. Knowing the negative connotation that comes with “Red Tide” I looked in the bible and found many verses about the tide and seas turning blood red, often the result of human action or inaction.

At first, that didn’t make me feel better, but after thinking it through in terms of an operating company, Red Tide Advisory Services was born to make organizations better and fulfill their mission. We want to help organizations navigate the ebb and flow of their operations when they are struggling or better yet, when they are trying to avoid the harm that can come when their organizational tide turns red because of a lack of strategic direction, ineffective processes, inaction, poor mitigation of risk, or failure to comply with regulations.


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