Our Impact

The greater good is our only shareholder...

Red Tide Advisory Services exists to help others build a lasting vision that contributes back to shaping the needs of society today, tomorrow, and into the future.

Our Impact

I never expected to start my own company, but life certainly has ways of presenting many twists and turns. After decades of growing businesses to a combined enterprise value of $600MM+, I felt the need to do more for others using my decades of business and C-Suite experience. As a result, Red Tide Advisory Services was created to be a trusted advisory and support service partner for individuals and organizations across the country.

Red Tide Advisory Services isn't designed to "go public" or to build wealth for investors; it is designed to help individuals and businesses that provide societal impact with advisory services to go from striving to thriving.

As part of our lasting impact to the greater good, Red Tide Advisory Services pledges a portion of our profit annually to award monetary and in-kind donations to mission-driven individuals and organizations that genuinely make a difference in the world.

Matt Mumma, CEO


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